68 Lượt xem· 04/10/21· Cách tạo kiểu
Fuse Live stream Plugin For wowonder ..Testing Stream
Live Streaming Plugin - Wowonder Social Network Software
List of plugin features:
Every User Has private stream page
Streaming showing as post for who watch you in home page
2 method to get viewers numbers ( wowonder live 1+ and socket.io also)
User is live now with live runtime comments showing also for the live page ( broadcaster )
User was live ( when you end your stream ) with stream expire alert
Any user can share your livestream post ( live or was live )
Full Notifications for ( User is live now + user commented in ur post + user join to stream)
all live streams posts support emojj and with live comment template
High quality video starting from mp4 to 1080p+ (Depends on your server quality )
Stereo audio ( Voice Activity Detection With sdp auto control )
Livestream plugin allow you to handle audio&video errors in your browser ( You dont have Camera or mice in your device)
and there is hidden futures in the library but not available to working now
Self hosted nodejs server with admin panel
Livestream is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications
Support Socket.io Signaling Server
your socket io is securing ( It is not allowed to connect to any site other than yours only)
install on any nodejs server on any hosting or operating system. (windows/mac/linux)
support Nginx/AWS/EC2
After you purchase the addition. You will find the installation and operation manual easily
For shared hosting Users - you dont have vps server --no problem.. my server code can deployed in heroku.com with free account with Unlimited connections
For demo request*
currently am made it in Fuse demo site for verified users only because i have limited resource in my server side ( please pm me if you are interested )
Unfortunately, Paypal is currently closed in my country in response to COVID-19 ( idont no what is fu** reason ) and am currently dealing temporarily with Western Union ..and this is a list for country's support WU
Forgive me ... I have no other choice
The finally price is 170$ once lifetime ( no monthly costs for ever )
setup for free in first time.. and you can pay for my support later ..good luck
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