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25 Lượt xem· 04/21/21· Cách tạo kiểu

Students Information in Smart School Management System

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This module has 9 sections -

Student Details
Student Admission
Student Report
Guardian Report
Student History
Student Login Credential
Student Categories
Student House
Disabled Students

Student Admission- Go to Student Information Student Admission add student basic details Admission No, Roll No, select Class and Section, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date Of Birth, Category, Religion, Caste, Student Mobile Number, Email, Admission Date, Student Photo, Blood Group, Student House, Height, Weight, As on Date, if this student has sibling and already study in this school then click on Add Sibling button and select sibling (note that if student has more than one sibling study in school then you do not have to select all the siblings just select any one sibling and system automatic detects other siblings), add student Father, Mother and Guardian details. Now click on Save button to complete student admission, if you want to add more details of student like Student Address Details, Transport Route Details, Hostel Details, Miscellaneous Details, RTE (Right To Education - in some countries there is a government funded scheme under which student get free education and government pay fees for these students) and Upload Documents then click on Add More Detail button. Student admission, admit students in by default in current selected session.
To importing bulk students for admission click on upper right side Import Student button. Now select class and section and browse .csv and click on Import Students Data file to import student data. You can download sample .csv file by clicking upper right Download Sample Import File button. Note that by importing bulk student you have to update student record for proper admission record.

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