18 Lượt xem· 07/27/20· Các môn thể thao
Trying To Learn The Hanoi Circuit On F1 2020
Today I decided to learn the new Vietnam circuit on F1 2020 :D The track and gameplay is only the preview build, so could be very different on release!
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Live streams (Friday's 8PM UK time)
YouTube https://bit.ly/2PlTBho
Twitter https://bit.ly/2ISQUS0
Instagram https://bit.ly/2MBFO7V
Discounts (Use code 'Limitless')
Next Level Racing https://bit.ly/2whLzOm
GT Omega Racing https://bit.ly/2MmeACW
Altered labs https://bit.ly/2Jf3cES
Thumbnails/Graphics by:
Outro by:
Designer https://twitter.com/racerdesigns
Music https://bit.ly/2UEUxRw
Stream intro music:
Equipment I use:
Capture Card: Elgato HD60 https://bit.ly/3ak2xhn
Thrustmaster TS-XW (TSPC racer TM open wheel rim)
T3PA plastic pedals
Next Level Racing GT Track cockpit
Camera settings:
Camera select TV Pod
Field of view -0.50
Offset Lateral 0.00
Offset Horizontal -0.35
Offset Vertical 1.00
Angle -1.00
Near Clip Plane 1.00
Mirror Angle 0.00
Camera Shake 0.00%
Camera Movement 0.00%
Business Enquires: JamesDoherty92@hotmail.co.uk
#F1 #F12020Gameplay #F12020 #Hanoi #Vietnam
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